Barna Centre

Barna Centre

La Casa del Bacalao

La Casa del Bacalao

c/ de les Moles, 11
08002 Barcelona

93 301 65 39

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Store with a unique identity reflexed in the white and blue colors. It's very well-known because of the quality of its products such as smoked, salted and canned cod.

The Casa del Bacalao began its journey in May 1981, more than 40 years ago, in Goya street in Madrid. The quality of the product and its specialization soon drew attention in the area and they decided to open other stores, increasing their popularity. Its characteristic white and blue decoration with abundant marine details become its personal brand and its unique identity.

Apart from the line of smoked products, salted fish and canned fish, they have the best Norwegian smoked salmon, marinated herrings from Denmark, anchovies from Santoña and delicious Galician canned delicatessen. Especially their cooked products that have become a true institution: the tapas of ajoarriero, brandade, Galician octopus, smoked salmon and its famous cod fritters.

In 2020 they moved their emblematic store from Comtal street, to Les Moles street, 11. There, Santiago and Mari Carmen will advise and assist you to get the most out of their best products.

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