Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Papabubble, Caramelos artesanos

Papabubble, Caramelos artesanos

c/ dels Banys Nous, 3
08002 Barcelona

93 268 86 25

Email[email protected]

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Store with an innovative concept, allowing customers to observe the magic of how they knead the necessary mixture to make artisan candies

Papabubble is a business born in 2003 in a small place in the Gothic Quarter, as the result of an idea of ​​two Australians: Tommy Tang and Christopher King. Their concept was to be able to show how to craft candies.

The project was a complete success and the idea of ​​being able to observe the magic of how they knead that particular mixture of glucose, sugar and water, and customize it to create different lollipops and candies, was immediately popularized.

That unique value and the possibility of making custom orders, has allowed them, just in a few years, to become a franchise with an international presence.

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Una manera de fer Europa
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