Barna Centre

Barna Centre



c/ Moles
08002 Barcelona

The street that crushed stone to keep the long-life shops in the neighborhood.

This central street connects the Fontanella with Comtal, and along its route, different decorated ceramic mosaics tell us about its history.

The current name of the street comes from the molers or picapedrers (stonecutters), a job of those who work the stone to build buildings, sculptures or other architectural elements.

Historically, from the number 12 of the street, the galleys that connected Barcelona with Zaragoza left to transport people and merchandise, but its commercial line is recent. After the transfer of some shops fleeing from the high rents that they could not afford in nearby streets, the street is home to a variety of local businesses that include Mercería Santa Ana, Casa del Bacalao, Can Boada, Casa Werner or Barret Addictes, the atelier shop of Sombrereria Mil, as well as the prestigious Lluís de les Moles Restaurant.

Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional
Una manera de fer Europa
Aquesta actuació s’emmarca en el Programa de Comerç Minorista.