Barna Centre

Barna Centre

New English courses available at Barna Centre's classroom

February 13th. 2013

As of March 5, until 30 April, available again in the courses of English in Barna Centre, which will be every Tuesday and every Thursday from 14:30 to 16:00 am, our offices in Portal de l'Angel 7.
The courses, taught by a native speaker, have a conversational content and grammar, lasting 26h, and accompanied by a party-line mode.
The dates when the courses are: 5-7-12-14-19-21-26-28 2-4-9-11-16-18-23-25-30 March and April.
As you know, all companies with at least one worker hired under general have a Credit for Lifelong assigned annually. December 31, if you have not used is lost. The amount of training you stop paying Social Security and paid to the training center. Thus, the courses with no cost to the company, and instead do a positive impact on the performance of daily tasks, as well as the qualification of human resources.
Please contact us or the Montserrat Garcia, the group formed to 93,118 03 15, who will attend and can give you complete details.

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Casa Jornet
Ateneu Barcelonès
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