Barna Centre

Barna Centre

“Let's draw about La Mercè“

November 26th. 2009

La Mercè is the Local Festivity of Barcelona. Every year at the end of September, the Gothic Quarter and the area of Barna Centre are the main stage of the expressions of our popular culture: you can see in our streets "human castles" (Castellers), devils (dimonis) and other traditional dances, modern concerts, shows of theater, etc.

Barna Centre participates actively in the festivity with a competition "Dibuixem la Mercè" where, since already 15 years ago, all the children are invited to do a picture with their particular vision of our party.

On the November 25th, the president of Barna Centre, with the Town Councilor of the District and the Mayor of Barcelona, gave the prizes to the winners of the four categories of age, the finalists and the schools participant.

Our members

Sombrerería Mil
Hotel Rialto ****
Bolsos Calpa
Marcs Petritxol