Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Christmas at the old town

December 24th. 2015

On the streets of Barna Centre you breathe and nowhere is the Christmas atmosphere with the pessebre of Sant Jaume square, the Santa Llúcia Fair, the dynamic activities of Barna Centre as the Welcome Christmas Party, with hot chocolate and the Tió for children, the Rei Mago and could not forget the streets decorated with Christmas lights!
We are receiving many visits from public attracted to this environment and we are all very happy trying to give the illusion of the most special gift and sharing the excitement of the Christmas with our client.
Come and see it right now.. but remember that we are also open on 3 and 10 January !!

Our members

Torrons Vicens
Antiga Casa Sala
Grup Saba
Tostaderos Bon Mercat
Forn Sant Jordi