Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Planelles Donat

Planelles Donat

Av. Portal de l'Àngel, 27
08002 Barcelona

93 317 34 39

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Symbolic store specialized in the manufacture and sale of nougat, sweets, ice cream and horchatas (tigernut milk). This family business is part of the commercial tradition of the Gothic Quarter.

Planelles Donat is a family business specialized in the manufacture and sale of artisan nougats during the winter, and artisan ice creams and horchatas (tiger nuts drink) during the summer. More than 60 years ago, in 1954, two families dedicated to the nougat business decided to join forces and this emblematic establishment emerged.

Thanks to the care in the production process and the quality of the raw material, they became a benchmark in the sector and the company is now in the hands of the fifth and sixth generation of both families.

Their horchata is one of the best in the city and their star product during the winter is the nougat from Jijona, but if you visit them you can delight yourself with a wide variety of typical Christmas sweets such as: other types of nougat, marzipan, stuffed almonds or sugared almonds.

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