Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Plaça del Rei

Plaça del Rei

Plaça del Rei
08002 Barcelona

Author of the sculpture of pl. of the King

It is the square where the Kings of Aragon and Counts of Barcelona came out of their palace to greet the crowds when it was necessary. It is the square where nobles who had deserved the death penalty were executed by beheading - if they were important enough to avoid the gallows, but not enough to avoid the execution. It is the square where Joan de Canyamàs tried to kill Fernando I the Catholic in 1492, so afterwards Joan was quartered alive on a walk through medieval Barcelona. It is the square that hides, under its paving stones, the most relevant vestiges of Roman Barcelona, within the headquarters of the Museu d’Història de Barcelona. And it is the square where hundreds of people come every day to imagine how Barcelona was like centuries ago. Only some of these people, however, realize that there is a rusted metal sculpture. Find it, and look for its name and author (written, asking, browsing...)

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Estamperia Sant Josep
Ganiveteria Artero
Granja Dulcinea
Bolsos Calpa
Joieria Sant