Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Numismática Aureo & Calicó

Numismática Aureo & Calicó

Pl. de l'Àngel, 2
08002 Barcelona

93 310 55 12

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The oldest heraldic and numismatic store in the country, world leader in auctions and with several outstanding collections

This numismatic house is located in the heart of Barcelona and is the oldest heraldic and numismatic shop in the country. It has been open since 1784, more than 200 years ago, and was founded by the Calicó family.

The interior of this place is very special, due to the ashlars and stone blocks of the Roman wall that it has inside. In the center of the shop, you can see a large skylight that allowed the business to be monitored from the upper private rooms.

In 2006 two great numismatics met and decided to merge, Aureo and Calicó, and because of this union the current Aureo & Calicó was born. Today it is Antonio Baños and his daughter Maria Teresa Sisó who run the business, managing to position itself as a world leader in auctions, with outstanding collections such as the Caballero de las Yndias, among others.

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