Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Casa Jornet

Casa Jornet

c/ de la Palla, 10
08002 Barcelona

93 318 45 40

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Store with more than 100 years extolling the art of cabinetmaking and keeping some secrets from Roman times.

This centenarian joinery was founded more than 120 years ago, in 1900 by Miquel Jornet Estivill as a workshop and has been consolidated as a family business passing through four generations. During its early years, it was often visited by Gaudí, when he was on his way to Sant Felip Neri.

Initially they were dedicated mainly to religious art, especially chapels and then to small pieces of furniture, after the Civil War. But its golden age came with the third generation, Miquel i Joaquim Gómez i Jornet, who opened up to 3 stores and specialized in occasional and custom furniture.

This small piece of history in the Gothic Quarter, not only shows the art of cabinet-making with mastery, but also its premises keep secrets from the Roman era and the ancient wall of the city.

Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional
Una manera de fer Europa
Aquesta actuació s’emmarca en el Programa de Comerç Minorista.