Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Windows on... I'm a Brander

April 20th. 2012

13, 14 and 15th July will be held in Barcelona, the fourth edition of the Barcelona Brandery and once more, is set in motion the contest showcases "Windows on ... " under the slogan "WINDOWS ON ... I'M A BRANDER"
The competition dates are from 9 to June 30. Between the days 4, 5, and 6 June will have to send the pictures of the storefront to : [email protected] , so that the shop will have to be mounted from the day June 1. The contest is aimed at multi-brand shops of fashion textile, footwear, lenses and child.
The theme of the contest is: "WINDOWS ON ... I'M A BRANDER", under this motto the storefront has to be decorated in a very urban, representing I'M A Brander (i am mark, i am trend, i am fashion ..... )
Once you have submitted the photograph, the participating retailers will receive a sticker identifying. This year is incorporated as a novelty The Brandery Shopping Card, a card addressed to the public and disclosed by the magazine YO DONA (with a circulation of more than 400,000 copies at the national level) which will be for all those shops that participate in the contest Windows On ... I'm a Brander, may accede to the Brandery Shopping Card offering a 20% discount on certain clothing or items (the amount of clothing is to free choice) during the week of 9 to 16 of June to the customers that come with the card The Brandery Shopping Card (TB SHOPPING CARD)
YO DONA will publish a list of all the shops attached to the TB Shopping Card and will also be broadcast through the listing of the Brandery facebook with more than 4,000 followers

The prize for the best showcase will win:

Software to perform customers cards
Thematic Travel to Antwerp
Personal interview in the LA VANGUARDIA
Invitation to participate to the BrandTown

Our members

BOSCO Food & Drinks
Joi d'Art
RoofTop Ohla Barcelona
Lucas Complements
Ganiveteria Roca
Enrique Tomas