Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Wellcome Christmas Time

December 16th. 2013

On the evening of Thursday 12th, the eve of St. Lucia, neighbors and merchants we gather together to welcome Christmas from the Gothic Quarter, the heart of Plaça Sant Josep Oriol .
 After distributing more than 300 chocolates heaters, play with Shepherds funniest they had ever seen , boys and girls The tió with great enthusiasm.

Did not stop the festivities and congratulated us address a few words our president Javier Cottet , District Councillor, Homs and even a disturbing Perot Lo thief who acompnyat all Pi Giants, broke his usual silence to wish us all a very merry Christmas.

The event was led by actor Oscar Perez Dolz not miss the humor in this because we have Presenter acostumants and that we like, nor a projection that reminded us of our history and the many neighborhood expressions of Christmas celebration that it is possible to live on the streets of downtown.

We thank all participants, collaborators and supporters their contribution.

From the attached link to the news ( link to website Barna Centre ) you will find a video with a collection of images that bear witness to an event . So we congratulate all who made this event the arrival of Christmas has been a success ! and not get tired of repeating you all happy holidays ! We share with you the illusion of giving Nadal!

The Gothic Quarter is proud to dress up to enjoy Christmas with you these holidays , joy, hope and brotherhood that we like large and small .

Our members

Granja La Pallaresa
Intimissimi UOMO - Calzedonia
BOSCO Food & Drinks
Conesa Papereria
Farmàcia Santa Anna
Báguena Gemmòlegs