Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Trade of Metropolitan Barcelona experienced an improvement in the second quarter of the year

September 20th. 2012

One indicator of this progress is that 14% of entrepreneurs said to have recorded an increase in sales during this period. This figure is an improvement over the first quarter, where only 5% of the sector pointed an increase in turnover.
This is one of the conclusions of the latest Survey of Business Climate Barcelona Metropolitan Area. The purpose of this report, prepared by the Chamber of Commerce with the support of the City of Barcelona, is known quarterly status and prospects of companies in the CON in areas such as trade, industry, construction and services for companies.
The report includes other positive data by trade, and growing percentage of employers indicating an increase in employment (from 1% to 3%), and reducing the number of those receiving a decrease of the employed (24 % to 21%).
As sales prices, the number of entrepreneurs falls which shows a price increase (from 16% to 10%). It also reduces the amount of signaling a decline in investment (from 34% to 23%).
Note that financial difficulties advancing positions as limiting factor for the smooth running of the business (40% goes to the first quarter to the second quarter 50%), despite the weak demand remains the main handicap must face the sector (95% of business establishments as it thinks).

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