Barna Centre

Barna Centre

The trade of Barcelona made a donation of 10,000 euros to the Food Bank.

March 8th. 2010

Barcelona Caixa Commerce and delivered on March 5, $ 10,000 to Food Bank, the result of the agreement subscribed between the two entities with the creation of the Barcelona Card Commerce. This agreement had as a first joint action linked to the card, donation to the NGO than 2% of sales paid by credit card during the Christmas shopping season last December. After taking stock of the purchases realitzar during this period, the contribution that should have been paid was 4,600 euros, but the Obra Social La Caixa added the additional amount of its own funds and finally the donation was made was 10,000 euros.

Our members

Toni Pons
Arquia Banca
Amadeu Vidal