December 1st. 2011
The District of Ciutat Vella Barna collaboration with Centre and trade associations in the district this contest with the aim of boosting trade and promote neighborhood associations.
The competition is open to all small businesses in the district and is open to all the traders in the district that are associated with a commercial center or a trade association of the district of Ciutat Vella. On the one hand, values the window decoration, and that involved only the associated trade are the axes or associations who coordinate the effort.
To determine the winners will take into account the originality, composition of the difficulty in drawing and message. A jury will decide the finalists and district 1 district judges decide the 4 winners, 1 per quarter.
The presentation of prizes will take place the second half of January 2012 at the headquarters of the district of Ciutat Vella, in the Hall Ernest Lluch, pl. Bonsuccés, 3 3 rd floor. The District of Ciutat Vella, also will disseminate the results both of the finalists as the winners, through this website and will release all participating businesses to Competition