February 19th. 2018
As usual for 26 years, once the Santa Eulalia Festivities have passed, Barna Center announces the delivery of the "Rosa de Plata" commercial awards, which will be given during the annual Santa Eulalia dinner that is celebrated with the associates and friends of the entity, together with the representatives of the political and commercial world.
The objective is to recognize and promote initiatives that contribute to make more attractive and dynamic our business environment.
In this sense two categories are distinguished: the Rosa to the new commercial initiatives established during the previous year to our area and, on the other hand, to the remodeling of the establishments that are already part of the commercial fabric.
The protagonist of the night is the commerce of the center of the city since the act also has by objective to recognize the economic and social work that the commerce carries out in its day to day. It is a well-deserved tribute to small and large shops and catering spaces of the center and the men and women behind it who contribute to generate wealth, make neighborhood and make city with their businesses, creating jobs and giving a particular physiognomy on your street.