Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Rosa de Platas Awards

February 5th. 2019

Next Tuesday, March 26, chaired by the Very Honorable President of the Generalitat, Mr. Quim Torra, will take place the celebration of the annual meeting of Barna Center.

The night of Santa Eulalia, rewards the efforts of merchants and retailers of the historic center, its contribution to the Gothic and the economic promotion of the city.

The Rosa de Plata awards, which are presented annually, highlight the best commercial initiatives, in two categories: the new establishments and the best remodeling. The objective is to recognize the work done and, at the same time, encourage the renewal of quality stores and establishments of our commercial axis.

It is also the time to meet with the authorities and the representatives of the institutions and to exchange impressions with other entrepreneurs of the retail world.

Save this date in your calendar!

Our members

Granja La Pallaresa
Pans & Company
Or Prix
Areazero 2.0
Brandy Melville
Ortopèdia Cabre