Barna Centre

Barna Centre

QR Gothic lee and relive the history of the street Llibreteria

September 24th. 2012

Since more than a century ago, strolling through the city is a representation of the space leer. Collect them several stimuli that atraviesan versus that leaves lost between streets and avenues. Access pasado, the cumulative memory plazas and buildings. If at the end of the nineteenth century image of the flâneur estaba closer the idle and the vagabond; las Practice of the Classic vanguardias power and intellectual activity is claimed to have turned the tour into one of the pillars of contemporary metropolitan culture. The list of references is immense, from Baudelaire and Walter Benjamin, until the Incarnation newer literary voice of the WG Sebald, passing through the Situationist International las derivas or surreal.

Últimos them in years, a number of tools have potential in Aparecida de estas actividades Metropolitanas perímetros them. Geolocation, mapeos, Reality aumentadas, podcasting, Interactive guides. At hand a large number of them in Practice reading and appropriation of urban space is desarrollando Ido have a large number of cities. The newer initiative Notebook Traders Association and the Historical Museum of the City of Barcelona, ​​coordinated by José Conesa and developed by a friend of the house of Carolina Gaona Sonaratv, it aligns're Trends and proposes a way interesante leer walk in and one of the most interesting streets of Barcelona's Gothic.

It trafficking QRGòtic a Multimedia Project, spearheaded by the Association of Street Traders Notebook. The protagonist is not the merchant, but its location and history. This cultural tour designed to dispositivos móviles, is based on a series of 35 códigos QR distribuídos them escaparates of them in companies worldwide that adheridos relatan memory hidden among ESAS streets. Beyond Routes habitualmente seguidas fear of the tourists, or personal Itineraries them vinculan us with coffee and watertight, we QRGòtic proposes different in a way to turn this space in the city. A historical chronicle Llibreteria through the streets, the notebook Bajada and brakes from a new perspective, racking than the previous visitor, a journey that has 2030 years of history.

QRGòti bone invites cerrar los ojos y adentraros fear, wait for about another world, and a well otro period, tener in the Gothic vuestras hands.

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Ateneu Barcelonès
Restaurant Bar Santa Anna
Rip Curl Store Barcelona
Brandy Melville
Hotel Jardí
Alain Afflelou óptico y audiólogo