Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Information of the Acts that Will celebrate the Days 3 and 4 to the Cathedral of Barce

April 26th. 2012

The Thursday day 3 of May is the *Solemnitat of the Saint Cross, headline of the Cathedral.
To the 9 of the morning, there will be the blessing of the Term since the *terrat.
To the 18:30 hours, to the heart, song of Evenings.
To the 19:00 hours *Missa chaired by the Mr. Cardinal Archbishop.
Friday 4 of May,
"Murdered to the Cathedral" of *T.*S. *Eliot
To the 21,00*h to the Plan of the Headquarters.
With reason of the finishing of the restoration of the main façade and of the *cimbori of the *Catedra, representation of the work of *T.*S. *Eliot, translated to the Catalan for the eminent humanist Josep *M.*Urdeix.
Eighteen actors accompanied of a Greek heart of eleven girls, thirty singers and twelve musicians, *narren the *vicisituds of Tomàs *Becket, archbishop of *Canterbury.
Scenic and artistic direction to Noelia's charge *Ortega, Lourdes Homestead, *Mercè *Guilló and *Meritxell Comma, of the Moral and Cultural Centre of the New Village.
The entry is free. As a sign of charity invites to do, the same evening, a *aportació for the Bank of *aliments.
For more information:
[email protected]

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