Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Incentives for retail

April 20th. 2012

You may request up to 31 May 2012 and from Barna Centre we can help you process them in the event that interests you. Although the amounts are not very high, these grants aim to support Catalan companies for growth and strength against an increasingly professionalized and more competitive, providing support and technical guidance to Catalan companies to ensure the marketing of their products and services, and promoting the purchase / rental of premises empty street.
This year, these are the programs that we think may be of interest:
INCENTIVE FOR THE PURCHASE / SALE OF LOCAL empty street: costs arising from the transfer, the opening and launch of the establishment. Up to € 1,500
INCENTIVE FOR THE CORPORATE SUPPORT: External Assessments to improve any functional area of the business conducted by a consultant with over 5 years experience. Up to 50% of the investment, maximum € 1000, with a minimum investment of € 2000. For more information, please phone us!

Our members

Grup Saba
Joieria Sant
Bar del Pi
Expenedoria 128
Hotel Suizo ***
Lucas Complements