Barna Centre

Barna Centre

If you like beer, drink it at the pub

September 19th. 2012

"If you like beer, do not buy from street vendors" to this message, a union of states affected by the lateros join forces in a campaign to raise consumer awareness about the negative consequences associated with this activity.

The initiative is driven from the streets of the Gothic, Amics of the Rambla, in conjunction with the Association of Friends and Merchants Plaza Real and the Association of Concert Halls of Catalonia. The campaign has the support of the City of Barcelona and Estrella Damm and was presented today in the face of the Mercè festivities.

The noise and dirt resulting from peddling tins, is cause for serious conflicts of coexistence affecting neighbors. In addition, this illegal activity, distorts competition and economic losses for commercial

Our members

La Manual Alpargatera
Ateneu Barcelonès
Consignas Locker Barcelona
Hostal-Albergue Fernando
Ganiveteria Artero
Pastisseria Santa Clara