Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Helps to Renew the Ilumination of Trade

March 1st. 2012

The Institute Català of Energy ICAEN, together with the Consortium of Trade, Crafts and Mode of Catalonia CCAM, offers helps to promote the substitution of the facilities of interior lighting in the trades, improving the energy efficiency and to reduce the energy consumption

That is subsidized:

* Substitution of bulbs, fluorescent, lamps and equipments for others more efficient that they allow to reduce the electrical consumption at least 30 %
* System installation of ignition control and the regulation of the level of lighting that allow an electrical saving of at least 20 %
* Relocation of the points of light so that 30 % diminishes the electrical consumption at least

It is possible to obtain up to 30 % of the eligible cost of the new installation.
The term of presentation of the requests finishes 30th APRIL 2012

More information at

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Miret 1919
BOSCO Food & Drinks
La Colmena
Sombrereria Obach
La Manual Alpargatera
Salmon 2000