Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Great Success in 20 ª Edition of Rosa de Plata Prizes

February 24th. 2012

On Wednesday 22nd of February, took place the celebration of 20 ª Edition of the Rosa de Plata Prizes in the Hotel Le Meridien. A magnificent night where big businessmen, young entrepreneurs and authorities of the Catalan administration coincided with that the future of our trade is in the entrepreneur.
The dinner was presided by the Mayor Mr Xavier Trias, by the President of Barna Centre Mr Javier Cottet and Barna Centre's Meeting and they represented diverse authorities of the Town hall, the Chamber of Trade and of the Autonomous government of Catalonia of Catalonia, as well as out-standing managerial, representative personalities of trade and of the associative world.
There was rewarded the value and the effort that the group of trades does day after day to do of the Gothic Neighborhood a commercial modern and dynamic space.

The winners of Rosa de Plata 2012 are:

Extraordinary Rose to the HOTEL OHLA C/Comtal's , Hotel of 5 stars, that finely and distinction has wanted to reflect the history of the space and the modernity forefront of the current Barcelona, promoting the quality and accessibility in his gastrobar and his restaurant of 1 star Michelin.

" Rosa de Plata " to SALEWAC/Canuda's , 41 to the best establishment of new implantation. Leading world SALEWA in clothes and material for sports of mountain, has implanted the brand in full heart of the Gothic Neighborhood, with a specialized establishment and of quality, attractivly and with an excellent segmentation of the product in his interior.

"Rosa de Plata" to FARMÀCIA CASTELLÓ of c/Duc, 10 to the best shop remodelled in the course of the year 2011, transforming and reinventing the space, making it more diaphanous and nearby to the client.

The establishments finalists in the New category Implantation are:
CULTRUTA of c/Estruc 10, company of routes and cultural services of leisure and tourism LLANÀRIUM of c/Estruc 20, company of wools and fabrics that offers different workshops LOOK NOW of c/Petritxol 8, company of reproductions and photography on fabric PETRITXOL COFFEE of c/Petritxol 11, farm and shop where chocolate is sold PETRITXOL 17 of c/Petritxol 17, jeweler's shop, trinkets and decoration of the home

The establishments finalists in the category Remodeling are:

INTIMISSIMI. Porta L'Àngel's 18, establishment of intimate clothes

Special prizes to:

SANTIAGO PAGÈS, economist and person in charge of the Shopping Line of Tourism of Barcelona, in recognition of the work realized in the course of his long professional path.

ELISENDA ALBERTÍ, authoress of the book " Dones de Barcelona " who recovers the history and legends of some women of the sIV to the sXIX, with 50 unusual biographies that pass and form part of the history of our streets


Our members

Ojalá Diseño
Santa Gloria
Flora Albaicin
El Portalón
Industrial Martí