Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Enjoy Popular Celebrations of Sta Eulàlia

February 5th. 2019

Popular Celebrations of winter in Barcelona, is a lot of celebrations around Santa Eulàlia, especially wanted for the lovers of the traditional celebration of Catalonia. The edition 2019 begins on the 8 until the 12 of February, and that will take place at the Barri Gòtic and surroundings. We start with the Protocols of the Eagle (Friday 8 at plaza Saint Jaume): one cercavila with the Eagle of the City, accompanied by the Coronela of Barcelona, Barcelona's Lion, the Giants and the Trabucaires of at Perot Rocaguinarda. Also the correfocs (Saturday 9 at the 18.15h with route of plaza Saint Jaume, Ferran and Rambla; and at the 20.15h at the plaza Nova of the Cathedral, Bisbo and Saint Jaume)), Laia's beats (meeting of tabalers, at the 17h of the Saturday 9) tracked of the Catalan flock of dansaires (17.30h) or the meeting of Giants at Old City and Falcons (Sunday 10) , the first meeting of Castellers of the season (Sunday 10 at the 11h)and the strolled of the Laies (12 of February desde the street of the Pi). Enjoy the Populars Celebrations of Barcelona in Winter!

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El Corte Inglés
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