Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Competion of Shopwindows

November 19th. 2012

This Christmas, the District of Ciutat Vella, with the collaboration of the main commercial and business associations in the district, organized the second annual contest of shopwindows of Ciutat Vella with the intent to promote and stimulate trade in the district's neighborhoods.


The contest is open to all small businesses that is associated with an axis or business association of Ciutat Vella.

Participants must have the window mounted on 1 December. The organization will give you a poster contest to mark your storefront. The poster is shall state the number of participants.

The Contest:

There are three types of awards:
• 4 pulses finalists - at the neighborhood level - (4 per quarter). Awarded by the jury in each neighborhood.
• 4 awards winners - at the district level (1 per quarter). Awarded by the jury district among the finalists in each neighborhood.
• Award by popular vote.

Customers of participating retailers can vote. Each establishment shall issue a bulletin to every buyer. Each newsletter will be essential to identify the participant and the number of the store voted. Among all participants will be drawn a lot of cultural products.


· Registration: from 6 to 16 November 2012 to the axles or trade associations in the district of Ciutat Vella.
· Start the contest: December 1
· Visit the jury: From 10 to 16 December.
· Opinion of the jury: December 17.
· District jury Visit: December 19.
· Proclamation winners: December 20.
· Extraction popular newsletter contest: December 20.
· Awards: 2013 Gener.


All participating merchants will have to:

1. Having handled the registration, free, within the time limits.
2. Meet current regulations regarding trade.
3. Having the window mounted on 1 December.
4. Be marked with the sign of the competition that previously delivered.
5. To record in the number of cartel participant.

Commercial areas:

Raval (Raval Eix)
La Rambla (Friends of the Rambla)
Gothic Quarter (Barna Centre)
Sant Pere, Santa Caterina and Ribera (Born Commerce)
Barceloneta (Agrupació of Shopkeepers and Industrials of Barceloneta)

Our members

Posters Verkerke
Bar del Pi
Hotel Cortes **
Marcs Arias sl
La Colmena
Grup Saba
Calzados Obach