Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Commerce adds to pink

October 11th. 2013

Join the Pink " . Thus, during the week of 14 to 19 October the
shops will disseminate the campaign against breast cancer , through leaflets
and posters, and exhibit an object rose in their windows.
" Join the AECC , join the Pink " is the campaign slogan of the AECC - Catalonia
Cancer , on the International Day against Breast Cancer is
celebrated on October 19 . The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness
catalan society to the higher incidence of malignancy among women in
Catalonia , of which 80 cases are diagnosed every day in our country.
The President of the AECC - Cancer Catalonia , Juli Miquel , highlighted the
importance of this agreement: " Barcelona shopping tissue has historically
great social and local shops are the perfect platform to bring
citizens our message about the importance of early cancer diagnosis
breast and give more visibility to our campaign to support women have the disease. "
If you want to stick up posters in the campaign, Call Barna Centre! 93 318 77 44

Our members

Expenedoria 177
Ohla Hotel
Hotel Cortes **
Galeries Maldà