Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Barcelona will open their shops five holidays until 20h

February 19th. 2016

Barcelona City Council and representatives of major business associations (including malls), unions and neighborhood associations, yesterday sealed a pact by which the shops do not open any summer Sunday, as has been done in the last two years . In return, they will do five Sundays, three in May (8, 15 and 22) and two in October (2 and 9). The agreement does not like everyone, and so expressed some representatives of the most liberal associations such as Barcelona Open, but all were satisfied to have reached a point of agreement. In addition, the agreement has sufficient political support to succeed in its passage to the full, according to Agustí Colom, councilor of Employment, Enterprise, Tourism and Consumer Affairs.
Thus, in addition to agree on Sundays that will open this year, they have also been set for 2017 the two holidays that the council can modify the four authorized by the Generalitat. They will be on December 3 and April 23, the feast of Sant Jordi, which falls on Sunday-and to replace the October 12, the feast of Pilar. To reach the entire legislature, the City agrees to also agree to the years 2018 and 2019 the two holidays that the session may be replaced.

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