Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Awards commercial establishments centenarians

December 7th. 2012

Awards commercial establishments centenarians are promoted by the Generalitat of Catalonia and Associations of Commerce to recognize the long history of these establishments, its durability, adapting to a changing reality and constant changes in consumer habits.

A Barna Centre as historic shopping area, we have a high density of old shops, unique, we have been presented and have this recognition. If your business this year, the centenary remember to let us know so they can present it in the announcement of this year.


May be candidates for these awards small business retail or commercial delivery services to consumers who own businesses that are open to the public for a hundred years or more.

Call 93 318 7744 or send an email to [email protected] and we arrange everything from the Association. The deadline for applications is December 19.

Our members

Gelatiamo Caffe & Bistro
Amadeu Vidal
Gemma Povo
Hostal Paris