Barna Centre

Barna Centre

Award to Casa Piera en la Millor Botiga del Món

October 22nd. 2014

For 17th consecutive year, the City council of Barcelona has recognised the best commercial initiatives of the 2013 through the Prizes Barcelona, the Best Shop of the World, and Casa Piera, on the street Cardinal Casañas, have received of hands of the authorities the prize to the best commercial shop.

These awards recognise publicly the commercial model of the city, but also bet for the innovation, the sustainability, the social cohesion and the cultural development of the city.

A new modalitat reward the accessibility

This year the guardons have incorporated a new category that distinguishes the establishment that contributes to improve the attention of the customer.

The winner has been the Optician Segarra, a shop with tradition that in the conception of the new venue to the neighbourhood of Saint Antoni has taken into account the needs of the people users of chairs of wheels.

All the rewarded

The prizes feature of thirst *modalitats and the awarded are:

Prize to the best commercial initiative of the year: Future Ore

Prize to the best initiative grouped of commercial dinamitation: Association of Independent Booksellers of the Vila of Gracia and Association of Sellers of the Market of the Charms of Saint Antoni

Prize Albert González to the task of contribution and knowledge of the trade of the city: Carme Izquierdo Ruiz, president during 20 years of Cor Eixample

Prize to the best commercial establishment: House Piera, Arts, with a special recognition to the Drogueria Rovira

Prize to the model of sustainable trade: René+than appliances for his environmental commitment, and Coopmercat-Door to Door for his social commitment.

Prize to the cultural trade of vicinity: it Falls It of in Paff, with special call to Discos Castelló.

Prize Barcelona, the best markets of the world: Menuts Rosa (Prize to the best individual initiative) and Association of Sellers of the Market of Sarrià (menció special).

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Bar del Pi
Cereria Gallissà
Scala Dei
2 Bis
Grup Saba