Barna Centre

Barna Centre

40 years of Barna Centre, 21st Santa Eulalia Night

February 13th. 2013

As we remembered a few days ago, the next day on February 25, we celebrate the XXI edition of the Night of St. Eulalia, Barna Center gala, which this year will be held at the Hotel Montblanc, a way Laietana 61, starting at 21:00 h.
That is why we invite you to attend the dinner where there are confirmed Excel • HE the Mayor of Barcelona, Mr.. Xavier Trias, the Minister for Enterprise and Employment, Felip Puig and representatives of municipal institutions.
The dinner will take place at Hotel Montblanc Via Laietana 61, starting at 20:30, and during the evening, which will celebrate the 40th anniversary of our Federation will have chance to meet the winners of the awards' Rosa Silver "with that Barna Centre recognizes the efforts and success of our members, highlighting those establishments that have performed particularly important to redesign and enhance the environment, the implementation of new businesses in the neighborhood with his presence and make renewed bid to raise the quality and establishments that have shown a special commitment to the association.
We invite everyone to attend this special evening. You can buy tickets at the Secretariat of Barna Centre by calling 93 318 77 44 or email [email protected] ... Come and join us there!

Our members

Torrons Vicens
Calzados Obach
Cereria Subirà
Arquia Banca
Casa Jornet
Cines Maldá