Barna Centre

Barna Centre


A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer to access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and how you use your computer, they can be used to recognize the user.

However, this only means obtaining information related to the number of pages visited, the city assigned the IP address from which you accessed, the number of new users, frequency and recurrence of visits, time of visit, the browser or the operator or terminal type from which the visit takes place. In no event will data be obtained about the full name or address from which the user is connected.

The cookies used on this website and the specific purpose of each one are:

  • UTMA Cookie: We use this cookie to count how many times a unique user visits the site.
  • UTMB Cookie: We use this cookie to calculate how long a user stays on a page.
  • UTMZ Cookie: This cookie stores the visitor's origin, the path followed to access the web, either the direct access from a link on another website, from an email link using certain keywords in a search engine, through a display campaign, or through an AdWords ad.
  • UTMC Cookie: The current JavaScript code that Google Analytics uses does not require this cookie. This cookie is used, along with the utmb cookie, to determine if after more than 30 minutes on the same page a new session should or should not be established for the user. This cookie is still written to ensure compatibility with the websites where you installed the old urchin.js tracking code.
  • PHPSESSID Cookie: We use this cookie to identify the relevant user.

You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by setting your browser options. You can find information about how, in relation to the most common browsers, on the links listed below:

Please note, however, that there is the possibility that disabling any cookie may prevent or hinder navigation or the provision of services offered on this website.

Our members

Brandy Melville
L'Almoina Jove
Casa del Bacalao
Sombrereria Obach
Llibrería Pompeia